cover image: Welfare  August 1927

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Welfare August 1927


When a committee appointed by the Government theme elves on the express request of the millowners with the sole purpose of investigating into the condition of the industry is convinced of he existence of the need for protection the obvious duty of Government is to consider the conclusions of the Board with due respect and to endeavour to give effect to them Eutjit was not to be so and the consequ [...] What was the cause for the present depresed state of the Textile industry '' The Tariff Board has conducted a thorough enquiry into the aspect of the matter and has arrived at the conclusion that the depression in the Tetile industry has been due partly to the world conditions partly to the absent; of internal economics in the management of the industry itself and partly to unfair foreign c [...] The bounty recommended by the majority of the Tariff Board to be given to the industry goes a long way in recuperating the depressed condition of the industry and though there may be some objection on grounds of economy in paying a Bounty to a longstanding industry which has in the past maintained its ground the scheme of 4 p. c. import duty on Japanese imports should certainly have received th [...] It is somewhat hopeful that there seems to be an inclination on the part of the Government of India and especially the Viceroy to undestand the millowner's point of view and if they are able too free themselves from the grip of Lancashire interests they will not find it difficult to see the necessity of stabilising the Indian cotton textile industry. [...] To the weaving classes of the from last year and the Government have State it affords demonstration of the value of secured the services of a spinning instructor up-to-date looms and other appliances.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-vi Ashoke Chatterjee view
The Importance of Commercial Intelligence to National Economic Progress
453-459 Nihal Singh view
Ceramic Industry in Czecho-slovakia
459-461 Hiren Bose view
The Selection of Electric Motors for Industrial Purposes I
461-464 S.R.M. Naidu view
Indiann Textile Industry
465-466 C.V.H. Rao view
Industrial Education in Travancore
467-468 N.K. Venkateswaran view
Corn Bread
468-469 Lucky Fuller view
The Human Speed Limit
470-471 unknown view
A Co-operative Garden Colonies Plan
472-474 R.N.P. Gufle view
The Curse of Overweight
474-475 unknown view
Teaching Habits
476-477 Laura Gray view
Cottage and Small Industries of Bengal
477-481 A.C. Mitter view
Do Your Children Deceive You ? Who is to Blame ?
482-483 unknown view
Teaching the Child Unselfishness
483-484 John Douglas view
Seeing Both sides
484-485 Lila Marshall view
Educated Indians and the Public Health
485-493 Anand Joshi view
The Uplift of Humanity
493-498 B.D. Basu view
China’s Debt to India
499-500 unknown view
Indian Mineral Resources of Economic Value
500-503 A.C. Nag, D.C. Nag view
The Indian College at the University of Montpellier
503-505 unknown view
Do You Know ?
505-507 unknown view
Our Physical Culture Prize
508-508 unknown view
The Evils of Constipation
509-512 Hamilton Dana view
Vocational Guidance in Germain in 1924-1925
512-514 unknown view
Our Point of View
514-516 Rammananda Chatterjee view
i-ii unknown view

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