cover image: Shankars Weekly  November 26  1950



Shankars Weekly November 26 1950


I am the herb the mantra the butter the fire and the offering." Usually how does the third class traveller go to his railway Calvary? [...] Rose he (we mean Minister was the master of the Alvaji) and said he "1 want to situation from ' the beginning ask two questions of the Minito the end and the Deputy 'ter". [...] Bat that was because armour was one piece would not bend at the In the village Plarliament India as is pointed out in Arthasastra the leader of party invariably talked to Deputy and other leaders 1 down on his side and scratching himself on the 1 As to the Finance Minister ing on the second row established beyond doubt in the Canadian Parliamen the 29th of February 1923 Finance Minister sat on [...] He asked whether it was in fainess to the person who had merged the majority of the Indian principalities into the British dominion and fought some of the fiercest battles for consolidating the British Epire in the East that so ridicuous a dedication had been made to his memory. [...] And the prettier the female the more pitiful is the fellow's plight.
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1-2 K.S. Pillai view
Shankar’s Weekly
3-21 unknown view

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