cover image: Shankars Weekly  October 1  1950



Shankars Weekly October 1 1950


20 I NEW DELHI SUNDAY ti October I 1950 Free Thinking The Man of the Week IN spite of the Congress deadlock the Korea situation the Dixon correspondence the food problem the refugees and the opposition press India will celebrate Gandhi Jayanti tomorrow. [...] should not at all be difficult to establish to the satisfaction of every one (except Argentina and South Africa of course) that the Aggressor is the Hyena and not the District Magistrate of Lucknow. [...] The essential twin arts of make-up and photography being unfortunately in their infancy in our country the wrinkles and bulges in the wrong places show up on the screen jbst as what has been boosted as the shaptly import flom the Land of the Eternal Snow. [...] Wanted: Clues to the wherabouts of the legend..ry Allah 1).ns lamp for the Planning Commission of the Government of India. [...] In ‘..eiw of the mounting impatience of the people with the slow progress to Ram Rajya the Government have decided to conduct an itensive world-wide research for the famous lamp.
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1-2 K.S. Pillai view
Shankar’s Weekly
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