cover image: Shankars Weekly  January 8  1950



Shankars Weekly January 8 1950


Our average parliamentarian is not suave mannered and serene like Toby M. P. He must be either a Taper or a Tadpole he must have the elusiveness of an eel before the public the mind of a courtier in ministerial antechambers and Job's patience for job. He must be the link between the provincial and the central junta the hyphen between inhorrat and mobocracy. [...] What shall we do with the clubs and theatres the stadia and playgrounds the schools and colleges and institutes the laboratories and workshops the offices and homes —and the other jewels of enlightened living? Shall we discard the smart clothes of the town lip stick and rouge and the pan-cake make up and strut about half naked. [...] in the uncivilised barbarity of the village? And our scientists — should they after a life-time spent in study and research forgo comfortable jobs and lose themselves in the obscurity of the village? And what are the advantages that we seek to gain by an at Inoue trek to the villages? [...] "It is your duty to fuse the profuseness of the philosopher and the profundity of the pandit."
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1-2 K.S. Pillai view
Shankars Weekly January 8 1950
3-21 unknown view

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