cover image: Journal of the Indian Medical Association  July 1953


Journal of the Indian Medical Association July 1953


of P„ and measurement of the surface betactivity carried out over the suspected and normal sites at 2 6 12 24 and 48 hours after the administration of the radioisotope. [...] 118% 123% 1 00% DiscussioN The results of the present investigation show that in a great majority of cases (14 out of fifteen in this instance) it is possible to diagnose correctly malignancy by the injection of radio-phosphorus and subsequent measurement of the surface beta-activity over the supected and the corresponding normal sites. [...] This method in which the measurements are carried out in situ without the least disturbance to the affected tissues is therefore of great help in the diagnosis of malignancy in superficial lesions particularly when the findings of aspiration biopsy are negative. [...] Fluorine content of waters from all the sources in the village from which the patient hailed was detemined and the incidence of stiff-backs as related to fluorine content of the domestic waters was ascertained. [...] ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks are due to the Radiology Department of the K. G. Hospital for the reduction prints and clinical photgraphs the Superintendent K. G. Hospital for permission to publish the case notes and the Principal Andhra Medical College for the facilities provided.
technology medicine science

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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with Radioactive Phosphorus P32
393-396 K.L. Bhattacharya, R. Datta-Chaudhury, A. Bose, N.N. Das-Gupta view
Studies of Endemic Fluorosis (Visakhapatnam and Suburban Areas) : Spinal Compression Due to Skeletal Fluorosis
396-399 G.V. Murthi, D. Rao, P. venkateswarlu view
Observationson Vital Capacity of Bengalee Youths
399-402 Hiralal Saha, Bijoy Chakravarty, Purnendu Das view
Aureomycin in the Treatment of Granuloma Inguinale
402-404 M.V. Krishnamurthi, C. Sobhanadri, C.N. Sowmini view
Pneum Operitoneum In Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease
404-413 Robert Heilig, B.S. Mital view
Snake Bite
413-415 S.N. Mukharji view
Dietary Survey of a Nurses Hostel in West Bengal
415-418 A.K. Sarkar, Nihar Sarkar view
Pulmonary Amoebiasis (With Particular Reference to Chloroquine Therapy)
418-422 Amal Chakravarti view
Multiple Lung Abscess Closely Simulating Congenital Cystic Disease of the Lung
422-423 B.B. Mukherjee, D. Bhattacharya view
Occupational Dermatitis
423-424 A.N. Chakraborty, A.K. Banerjee, S. Ghosh view
X-Ray Therapy of Chronic Osteomyelitis of Finger
424-ii S.P. Basu view
Treatment of Emphysema With Pneumoperitoneum
425-426 unknown view
Indian Radiological Bill
426-426 unknown view
Current Medical Literature
427-429 unknown view
Current Topic
429-429 unknown view
Notes and News
429-430 unknown view
431-432 unknown view
432-432 unknown view
432-432 A.D. Mastakar view
Supplement Journalof the Indian Medical Association
lxxxv-xcii unknown view

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