Such a change in policy will open wide the prospects of a permanent solution to the Korean problem not just the silencing of the gurs of war but the restoration"Snit 1953 j THE ROAD TO PEACE 291 of unity to the unhappy land and the rehabilitation of the unfortunate people. [...] The acceleration of the process of economic and political emancipation of the exploited nations whether it be the settlement of Mossadeq's fight for Iranian oil or Naguib's demand for the British to quit the Suez Canal Zone and Soudan or the crisis in Kenya or the problem of racial discrimination in Africa as a whole is as much necessary for the ushering in of peace as the liberation of the sa [...] THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE CENSUS The useless collection of statistics and discussion regarding castes and sucastes which was the practice of previous censuses has been abandoned and more attention paid to the economic characteristics of the population. [...] and not on the population of 1941 only which is the base in the calculation of the percentage variation." IDLY 1953 THE 1951 CENSUS OF INDIA 293 For the first time in the history of Census operations in India a sample verification of the Census Count was conducted on a random sample basis and a precise estimate of the extent of error in the Census Count was made. [...] The tragedies of the spirit are mere struttings and posturings on the margin of life and the spirit itself is only an accidental exuberance the product of spare vital energy like the feathers on the head of a hoopoe...' Spandrell the brilliant iconoclast in POINT COUNTER POINT hates physical love for it involves the degradation and humiliation of human body.
Mentioned Organizations
- Published in
- Unset
Segment | Pages | Author | Actions |
i-16 | B. Natesan | view |
The Road to Peace
289-291 | Eleuterio Soares | view |
The 1951 Census of India
292-294 | Ashish Bose | view |
Aldous Huxley—a Study in Disintegration
294-296 | Darshan Maini | view |
Plagiarism and Prophecy
297-299 | James H. Cousins | view |
Clash of Languages
300-302 | P.S. Nair | view |
The Task Before the Taxation Commission
303-306 | K.V. Rao | view |
From my Notebook
307-307 | Bee | view |
Communism in India
308-309 | K.C. Chakravarti | view |
The Negro in America
310-310 | Ralph Bunche | view |
The Garden Wears: a Tale
311-312 | L.D. Clanfield | view |
The Intuitive Philosophy
312-312 | T.M.P. Mahadevan | view |
Home and Foreign Affairs
313-316 | unknown | view |
The World of Books
317-319 | unknown | view |
Diary of the Month
320-320 | unknown | view |
Readers’ Digest
321-327 | unknown | view |
Indians Outside India
328-328 | unknown | view |
Multum in Parvo
329-336 | unknown | view |
1-ii | unknown | view |