cover image: Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society  1951

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Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1951


Thus we find that when the eddy viscosity is predominant which corresponds to the stage when the inertia terms in the equations of motion are the most important the energy spectrum of turbulence proposed by Heisenberg admits of a' multiplicity of homologous solutions of the form (9) characterized by a constant of homology c. These solutions have the property that for the low frequency part of t [...] 11 where ►(9) is given by (22) 4 „ is the solution of (1) in the absence of the field and is expressed in the form 00 = u (AIL — (211) The above solution (28) of the equation (1) may he interpreted as follows: If yt „ i the solnthill of (1) in the absence of any field then the pre ;ence 01 the plane electromagnetic radiation Held is performing a transformation of 11%„ the transformation matrix [...] Thus the effect (If the presence of the electromagnetic radiation field en the expression for four-current may be considered as if it is performing a tranformation of ft-matrices the transformation matrix being given 271-1272. + xk (40) (hAr) The last term is absent in the Dirac electron theory and this term is peculiar to the present theory of charged particle of spin one or zero. [...] The K0111110111; for all infinite plate vont:titling two equal unstressed circular holes were obtained (I) by tlIio h (1939) when the plate is subjected to (i) uniform tension in the direction of the line of centres and 1it) :; uniform shear in the plane of the plate and ( ) by Weinel (1937) %%hell tht pi:lie 1 4 subjected to a uniform tension perpendicular to the line of centres. [...] (23) le.1! The table I gives the values of 1313 tlw boundary ot the hole a = c for positive values of /3 when r = fur which the shortest ditance between the boundary of the hole and the axis of the couple is approximately one third the rntlitl% 01 the hole.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii F.W. Levi, B.B. Sen, M.R. Siddiqi, R.N. Sen, S.C. Mitra, N.M. Basu, P.K. Ghosh view
On Heisenberg’s Spectrum of Turbulence
1-7 N.R. Sen view
A Special Method for Solving the Equation of Meson in the Field of Plane Electromagnetic Radiation
8-12 S. Gupta view
On the Hankel Transformation of Generalised Hypergeometric Functions
13-16 Dinesh Chandra view
Random Distances within a Rectangle and between Two Rectangles
17-24 Birendranath Ghosh view
On the Maximum Modulus of an Integral Function
25-26 S.K. Bose view
Some Problems of Elastic Plates Containing Circular Holes—I
27-36 A.M. Sengupta view
Note on Certain Integrals and Series Involving Tschebyscheff’s Functions
37-40 Hari Bagchi, Nalini Chakrabarti view
Torsion and Flexure of a Beam whose Cross-Section is a Sector of a Curve
41-45 D.N. Mitra view
On Generating Functions of Polynomials(I): Generalised Parabolic Cylinder Functions of Weber
46-50 S.C. Mitra, A. Sharma view
On Thermodynamics of Matter in a Static Field
51-60 N.G. Majumdar view
On Certain Relations between Ultraspherical Polynomials and Bessel Functions
61-66 A. Sharma view
On Ruled Surfaces
67-70 R.S. Mishra view
On some Operational and other Relations Involving Tschebyscheff’s and Laguerre Polynomials
71-76 Nalini Chakravarty view
On an Algebraic System Generated by a Single Element and its Application in Riemannian Geometry—III
77-94 R.N. Sen view
Anharmonic Pulsations of Roche-Model
95-100 R.S. Kushwaha, P.L. Bhatnagar view
Note on a Circular Cubic with a Real Coincidence Point at Infinity
101-108 Haridas Bagchi, Biswarup Mukherji view
A Theorem Concerning an Asymptotic Integral
109-112 L. C. Hsu view
On the Convergence and Summability—(C 1) of an Analogous Conjugate Fourier Series
113-118 A.M. Chak view
Some Simple Problems of Thick Conical Shells
119-122 Sushil Das Goupta view
On the Bending of an Elastic Plate—II
123-132 H.M. Sengupta view
Note on the Zeros of Modified Bessel Function Derivatives
133-134 A. Charnes view
On some Geometrical Configurations—I
135-138 B.C. Chatterjee view
On the Structure of Joachimstal’s Circles of a Conic
139-142 K. Aiyer view
Transverse Vibration of a Wooden Plate
143-146 Sushil Das Gupta view
A Note on the Ratio of Two Non-Central Chi-Squares
147-148 D.H. Bhate view
Advancement of Fluid over an Infinite Plate
149-152 S.D. Nigam view
Some Properties of Generalised Hankel Transform
153-167 Ratan Agarwal view
Stationary Gravitational Fields
168-174 V.V. Narlikar, K.P. Singh view
On a Theorem of Stone-Samuel
175-177 Kiyoshi Iseki view

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