cover image: Modern Review  December  1953


Modern Review December 1953


We have proved to he bad prophets." The Correspondent lists the inability of the Congress Parliamentary Board to mobilise its forces to the full as one of the causes of the defeat of the Congress. [...] pointed out that the question was not of retaining or sacrificing the beauty of the language but was that the script should be so simplified as to take the language to the widest section of illiterate masses and further so that the unifying heritage of different languages of India all of whom were derived from Sanskrit should emerge. [...] Califrirnia in the coure of his address to the Mysore State branch of the Textile Association of India in Bangalore in thr first week of Noven►►er stated that the striking difference between the Indian Trade Union Movement anti the A incrirnn was that the unions in the United State. [...] India's known reserve of chromite are of the order of 200900 ions of high grade ore while the reserves of lower."grade ore are estimated at several times as much The total estimated reserves of copper ore at the close of the year 1950 stood at 1087 195 short tons and the total reserves of gypsum are roughly of the order of 67 million tons. [...] But the paper mires "utmost care and caution " keeping in view the geographical position of the.11( a activities and developments in the neighbouring woe beyond Indian borders and the nature and temper►- ment of the tribal people.
government politics public policy

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kedarnath Chatterji view
421-440 unknown view
History’s Warning to India
441-444 Jadunath Sarkar view
The Indian Constitution: on the Anvil
445-449 Iqbal Narain view
Planning from the Bottom
449-450 S.N. Agarwal view
The Historical Records in Kotah
451-452 Govind S. Sardesai view
Incentive in an Agricultural Community
453-458 Bepin Behari view
Political Philosophy of Confucius
458-461 Chou Hsiang Kuang view
A Probe into Indian Price Trends
461-463 V.K. Shrivastava view
Young Bengal Discovers India
463-464 Nanimadhab Chaudhuri view
Modern Danish Sculptural Art
465-468 P.K. Banerjee view
The Juangs
468-470 L.N. Sahu view
Units in Korea
470-471 unknown view
The Big Project of the Punjab
471-475 Baleshwar Nath view
The Present Long-Staple Cotton Cultivation
475-480 Sarada Chakraborty view
The Lion-Hearted Leader
481-485 Nihal Singh view
Underemployment in India
486-487 Santi Ghosh view
Mid-Century 1953
488-488 G.L. Schanzlin view
Book Reviews
489-494 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
495-499 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
500-504 unknown view