cover image: Modern Review  September  1953


Modern Review September 1953


Aftii him there are the instances of tens of thousands of the martyrs to the cause of freedom of the fatherland; tlio made the supreme sacrifice staunch of heart and Of faith. [...] Serious shortcomings in the handling of the economy of the State during the past five years had led to some violent dislocations in a number of trades and professions resulting in unemployment and undeemployment and heavy fall in the standard of living of the people. [...] had submitted on July 15 a memorandum to Prime Minister Nehru on the eve of his departure for Wilts with the Pik Premier at Karachi drawing his attention to the wrong inclusion in Pakistan of a portion of Sylhet district adjacent to tike north of the State of Tripura and having a non-Muslim majority The memorandum had urged the Premier to examine the matter and to "see that the portion of the te [...] The object of the project is to determine the economic feasibility of the recovery and processing of lignite in the South Arcot District in the State of Madras. [...] The terms of reference of the Commission are as follows : (a) To examine and enquire into the operations of the tiers in the jute industry and trade from the grower of raw jute to the seller of jute goods : (b) to examine and enquire into the factors which determine the return to the grower of raw jute for his product and the part played in it by the cost and the adequacy or othewise of transpo
government politics public policy

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kedarnath Chatterji view
169-188 unknown view
The Lion-Hearted Leader
189-191 Nihal Singh view
History and Growth of Co-Operative Movement in India
192-197 C.B. Mamoria view
The First Census of Free India
197-199 Ashish Bose view
200-203 Sudhansu Mookherji view
Moism and Ahimsa
203-ii Chou Kuang view
The Outbreak at Benares in 1799
205-209 S.B. Chaudhuri view
Towards Economic Freedom
209-210 B.N. Agarwal view
Industrial Development in Rajasthan
211-212 K.B. Saksena view
The College of Yoga at Lonavla
213-216 S.C. Bhattacharya view
Rajeswar Das Gupta
216-218 Indu Chatterjee view
Taming the Turbulent Tapi
218-220 unknown view
Paper: Food for Thought
220-223 A.G. Mezerik view
Mile-Stones to our Freedom Struggle
223-229 Jogesh Bagal view
How Americans Misrepresent India
230-234 Prem Agrawal view
The Concept of Justice in our Constitution
234-235 Kumari Rudra view
Comment and Criticism
235-236 unknown view
Book Reviews
237-240 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
241-245 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
246-253 unknown view