cover image: The Gazette of Pakistan  Extraordinary  Karachi  Tuesday  January 13  1953

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The Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary Karachi Tuesday January 13 1953


Whether the workers are enVtiied to wages for the period of strikt ? I may add that out of the items of dispute as mentioned in the schedule to the Notification the employees demand under items 8 and 16 of the schedule were accepted by the Company in paragraph 75 and 44 respectively of its written statement and accordingly the parties agreed that no issue need be framed regarding these two items. [...] In the case before me the constitution of the Installation Union did permit the enrolment of all workmen at the Instalations Union did permit the enrolment of all workmen at the Intallations and the Union did enrol a considerable number of them. [...] In the Mill Mazdoor Sabha case the two members appoin'ed to represent the workers on the Wage Board were found not to be members of the representative Union of the workers of than industry and as such it was rightly held that the opinion of these two members would not be regarded as representative of the opinion of the workers in general. [...] Where the main purpose of the employment is the dqing of any other kind of work the employment will clearly not be within the puview of this definition merely because in the course of the employment the employee has also to do some clerical or manual work. [...] My attention was however drawn to a later Full Bench decision yet unreported of the Labour Appellate Tribunal of Bharat in which the learned adjudicators reviewed the case law on the point and after a detaied examination of the various provisions of the Act came to the conclsion that the scope and object of the Industrial Disputes Act was cofined to a settlement of disputes relating t
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The Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary Karachi Tuesday January 13 1953
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