cover image: University of Calcutta. Minutes of the Syndicate for the year 1944

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University of Calcutta. Minutes of the Syndicate for the year 1944


The Senate on the recommendation of the Syndicate resolved unanimously that the Degree of Doctor of Science be conferred Honoris Cau8a on Dr. [...] (catab) Professor of Anthropology expired on the 31st December 1944 and on the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Council of Post-Graduate Teaching in Arts he was re-appointed to the Professorship with effect from 1st January 1945 on the existing terms and condtions till he would complete his 60th year. [...] B. P. Agharkar completed the age of 60 years In November 1944 and on the recommendation of the Boald of Management of the Sir Rash behary Ghose Edeinnents and the Executive Committee of the Council Positi-Gradnate Teaching in Science the term of his slanent was extended for a period of one year withREPORT OF THE SYNDICATE effect from 1st December 1944 on the usual terms and conditions. [...] On the recommendation of the Executive Comittee of the Council of Post-Graduate Teaching in Arts the personal distinction of University Professor was coferred by the Senate on Dr. [...] Research Degrees—During the year under review the undermentioned scholars were admitted to the Doctorate Degrees on the recommendation of the examiners of the theses embodying the results of their research work the subjects of their theses being stated against their names :— Ph.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
Annual Report 1944
1-38 unknown view
Abstract Statement showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the Fee and the Post-Graduate Teaching Funds 1943-44
1-234 unknown view
Index 1944
1-293 unknown view

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