cover image: Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window

Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window

27 Oct 2022

The Emissions Gap Report was released on October 27, 2022 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). This 13th annual report in the emissions gap series seeks to address the continuing lack of sufficient measures to mitigate the global climate crisis witnessed even after the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26). It notes that current policies are projected to result in a warming of 2.8°C by the end of the 21st century. A solution-oriented report, it incorporates data on transformative systems required in key areas such as electricity supply, industry, transport and building sectors, as well as the food and financial systems. Additionally, the report looks extensively at the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – which are submitted by UNFCCC parties every five years – and the progress they has made thus far to achieve the emissions reduction targets.The report contains seven chapters: Introduction (Chapter 1); Global emissions trends (Chapter 2); Nationally determined contributions and long-term pledges: The global landscape and G20 member progress (Chapter 3); The emissions gap (Chapter 4); Transformations needed to achieve Paris Agreement in electricity supply, industry, buildings and transportation (Chapter 5); Transforming food systems (Chapter 6); and Transforming the finance system to enable the achievement of the Paris agreement (Chapter 7).
emissions greenhouse-gases global-warming


United Nations Environment Programme

Published in
United Nations Environment Programme

Table of Contents