Women's Rights

Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide, and they formed the basis for the women's rights movement in the 19th century and the feminist movements during the 20th and 21st centuries. In some countries, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others, they are ignored and suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls, in favor of men and boys.Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include …



1 January 2024 English

All India Women’s Conference (AIWC), the oldest national women’s organization in India was born in January, 1927 in Poona. But the genesis had actually begun much earlier.

leadership among organizations fighting for women’s rights and equality. 6 The First Step Pune 1927

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 January 2024 English

Since the year 2020, the five richest men in the world have doubled their fortunes. During the same period, almost five billion people have become poorer. Published by Oxfam International, …

we are still marching on the road to ensure women’s rights, dignity, power and authority. Our mission chains worldwide are rife with violations of women’s rights and characterized by systemic exploitation

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2023 English

First History Lessons is a series of books published by the Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata (IDSK). Aiming to simplify and explain important ideas of history, the series has been …

stands in solidarity with the workers’ and women’s rights movements. The organization serves as a forum

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2023 English

First History Lessons is a series of books published by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK). Aiming to simplify and explain important historical ideas, the series has been sponsored …

stands in solidarity with the workers’ and women’s rights movements. the organization serves as a forum

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2023 English

First History Lessons is a series of books published by the Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata (IDSK). Aiming to simplify and explain important ideas of history, the series has been …

stands in solidarity with the workers’ and women’s rights movements. The organization serves as a forum

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 24 July 2023 English

The report Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls in Sport: A Handbook for Policy Makers and Sports Practitioners was published by UNESCO and UN Women in 2023. It was authored …

essential services for survivors and strengthening women’s rights organizations. With its strong partnerships

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 June 2023 English

The Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published this report on June 12, 2023. This is the second report in the series; the first was …

despite powerful global and local campaigns for women’s rights in recent years, such as Me Too, Ni Una Menos further diminished by a global backlash against women’s rights and the lasting devastation of the multidimensional gender equality have gained traction, and women’s rights have been rolled back.4 These setbacks are people often underestimate men’s support for women’s rights.11 in Saudi arabia a majority of married men own fu- ture, recognition that acknowledges women’s rights and respect for their identities and representation

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 8 April 2023 English

This folk song captures a defiant, new voice of rural women in Kutch demanding equal property rights

Vikas Sangathan (KMVS) to raise awareness about women’s rights. It is difficult to ascertain the exact year year 2003. Campaigns to raise awareness of women’s rights then focused on the sharp discrepancy between #rann #kutchi #folk-songs #songs-of-freedom #women's-rights #freedom Pratishtha Pandya • Share Pratishtha

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023 English

This report was published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in April 2023. It is the seventh edition of UNODC’s biennial Global Report on Trafficking in …

violence within the conte�t of international women’s rights frameworks, including the Convention on the

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023

This report has been published by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in April 2023. This edition of the yearly publication, the first of which was released in the year 1978, …

ground, driven by the growing strength of women’s rights movements. First enshrined in the 1968 Teheran sites for climate policy. In other words, women’s rights to contraception and education are weaponized:

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