
Tajikistan ( (listen), ; Tajik: Тоҷикистон, [tɔdʒikisˈtɔn], Russian: Таджикистан, romanized: Tadzhikistan), officially the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajik: Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, romanized: Jumhurii Tojikiston), is a landlocked country in Central Asia with an area of 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi) and an estimated population of 9,537,645 people. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north and China to the east. The traditional homelands of the Tajik people include present-day Tajikistan as well as parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The territory that now constitutes Tajikistan was previously home to several ancient cultures, including the city …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 June 2024 English

This report was published in June 2024 by the World Economic Forum based in Switzerland. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006; this is the 18th edition …

█ +0.028 +9 111 Vanuatu 0.673 █ -0.004 -3 112 Tajikistan 0.673 █ +0.001 -1 113 Angola 0.668 █ +0.012 +5 0.957 118 Morocco 0.955 119 Algeria 0.951 120 Tajikistan 0.947 121 Comoros 0.945 122 Sierra Leone 0.943 Croatia 0.623 107 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.620 108 Tajikistan 0.619 109 Mexico 0.612 110 Côte D'Ivoire 0.611 Ethiopia 0.971 67 Lebanon 0.971 68 Chile 0.970 69 Tajikistan 0.970 70 Finland 0.970 71 Chad 0.970 72 Indonesia Madagascar 0.161 99 Chad 0.161 100 Mauritius 0.159 101 Tajikistan 0.156 102 Thailand 0.147 103 Bahrain 0.146 104

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 19 March 2024 English

IQAir, a Switzerland-based company working on air quality technology, released this report on March 19, 2024. It gives an overview of population weighted air quality data for the year 2023 …

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Bangladesh Pakistan India Tajikistan Burkina Faso Iraq United Arab Emirates Nepal (80.2) 3. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (46.6) 4. Tajikistan, Dushanbe (46.0) 5. Baghdad, Iraq (45.8) 6. Abuja in this region, including Bangladesh, India, Tajikistan, and Pakistan. In addition, this region is home Kyrgyzstan | Maldives | Nepal | Pakistan | Sri Lanka | Tajikistan | Uzbekistan 1.5 118.9 Begusarai, India Chu (79.9) 3. India (54.4) 2. Pakistan (73.7) 4. Tajikistan (49.0) 5. Nepal (42.4) 6. Kyrgyzstan (33.1) 7

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 20 June 2023 English

This report was published by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland, on June 20, 2023. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006 and this 2023 edition is the …

highest-ranking countries in the region, while Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Türkiye rank the lowest. The difference █ +0.017 +6 110 Malawi 0.676 █ +0.044 +22 111 Tajikistan 0.672 █ +0.009 +3 112 Sierra Leone 0.667 █ -0 (Afghanistan), and Eurasia and Central Asia (Tajikistan) still have between 21.7% (Côte d’Ivoire) and Comoros 0.949 119 Egypt 0.943 120 Burundi 0.942 121 Tajikistan 0.942 122 Bangladesh 0.936 123 China 0.935 124 623 103 El Salvador 0.619 104 Italy 0.618 105 Tajikistan 0.618 106 Gambia 0.609 107 Angola 0.605 108 North

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 June 2023 English

The Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published this report on June 12, 2023. This is the second report in the series; the first was …

2010–2014 27.91 9.91 72.09 15.77 2.60 8.91 14.31 Tajikistan 2017–2022 99.92 87.42 0.08 78.33 51.67 78.08

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023 English

This report was published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in April 2023. It is the seventh edition of UNODC’s biennial Global Report on Trafficking in …

Kyrgyzstan Republic of Moldova The Russian Federation Tajikistan Ukraine Uzbekistan North Africa and the Middle 25% - 30% -56% -66% -67% - 91% -93% Türkiye Tajikistan USA Germany Uruguay Azerbaijan Guatemala Brazil

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 20 March 2023 English

The World Happiness Report 2023 has been published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global initiative of the United Nations. It was released on March 20, 2023, United Nations …

Bulgaria 5.466 78 Nepal 5.360 79 Armenia 5.342 80 Tajikistan* 5.330 81 Algeria* 5.329 82 Hong Kong S.A.R. Bulgaria 5.466 78 Nepal 5.360 79 Armenia 5.342 80 Tajikistan* 5.330 81 Algeria* 5.329 82 Hong Kong S.A.R. Bulgaria 78 5.360 Nepal 79 5.342 Armenia 80 5.330 Tajikistan* 81 5.329 Algeria* 82 5.308 Hong Kong S.A.R. Bulgaria 78 5.360 Nepal 79 5.342 Armenia 80 5.330 Tajikistan* 81 5.329 Algeria* 82 5.308 Hong Kong S.A.R. Bulgaria 5.466 78 Nepal 5.360 79 Armenia 5.342 80 Tajikistan* 5.330 81 Algeria* 5.329 82 Hong Kong S.A.R.

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 28 February 2023 English

This report was published in February of 2023 by Access Now for the #KeepItOn coalition. The report is authored by Zach Rosson, Felicia Anthonio, Carolyn Tackett, and the Access Now …

Kazakhstan: 2 Russia: 2 Sierra Leone: 2 Tajikistan: 2 Uzbekistan: 2 Algeria: 1 Armenia: 1 Azerbaijan: Myanmar, Russia, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and active conflict zones in Ukraine Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe imposed 62 shutdowns record Turkmenistan: 4 Kazakhstan: 2 Russia: 2 Tajikistan: 2 Uzbekistan: 2 Azerbaijan: 1 Conflict: 22 INTERNET SHUTDOWNS IN 2022 21 Shutdown impact story: Tajikistan “I owned two pharmacies in Khorog, where I come

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2022 English

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, the Berlin-based institute engaged in political education, published the Atlas of Migration in November 2022. This report, the second in the series, aims to change global perceptions …

Brazil Mexico Mali Niger Mozambique Chad Israel Tajikistan Philippines Kyrgyzstan South Africa ATLAS OF

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 11 October 2022 English

The Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index aims to monitor government policies and actions towards the goal of reducing inequality. The first CRI Index report was published in 2017 by …

Risers Fallers 1 Norway 161 South Sudan Tajikistan +37 Afghanistan −36 2 Germany 160 Liberia measures. The risers include one low-income country (Tajikistan, due to a big rise in personal income tax collection) force rose from 16% to 52%. On the other hand, Tajikistan and Moldova have both reduced vulnerable labour

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 October 2022 English

This report was published jointly by Concern Worldwide, Ireland, and Welthungerhilfe, Germany, – two non-governmental organisations – in October 2022. The first annual Global Hunger Index (GHI) was published in …

has a low 2022 GHI score, with the exception of Tajikistan, which has a score of 13.9, considered moderate region had one country with alarming hunger (Tajikistan), four countries with serious hunger levels 20.8 16.6 13.7 67 Ghana 28.5 22.1 15.5 13.9 67 Tajikistan 40.3 32.9 20.6 13.9 69 Philippines 25.0 19.5 Tanzania Cambodia Gambia Suriname Liberia Tajikistan Kenya Nicaragua India Korea (DPR) Pakistan Burkina Faso Benin Cambodia Eritrea Rep. of Korea Tajikistan Greece Serbia Bulgaria Suriname Latvia Austria

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