
A subculture is a group of people within a culture that differentiates itself from the parent culture to which it belongs, often maintaining some of its founding principles. Subcultures develop their own norms and values regarding cultural, political and sexual matters. Subcultures are part of society while keeping their specific characteristics intact. Examples of subcultures include hippies, goths, bikers and skinheads. The concept of subcultures was developed in sociology and cultural studies. Subcultures differ from countercultures.



IAP: Iqbal Academy Pakistan · 1 January 2022 English

Sardar Fayyaz ul Hassan,The Use of Metaphors in Iqbal's Urdu Poetry: An Analytical Study in the Light of Conceptual Metaphor Theory(Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2022), p. 217.

greater priority are partly dependent on the subculture an individual belongs to and partly on an individual’s

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 28 September 2020 English

This report was published by Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), a non-governmental organisation based in New Delhi, in collaboration with the Association for Advocacy and Legal Initiatives (AALI), a Lucknow-based …

complain to senior officers. Women feel the police subculture is “feudal and patriarchal” and biased towards

LC: Library of Congress · 2016 English

Title from PDF file as viewed on 05/04/2017.

(student) learns the principles of the hijra subculture and through whom a chela is identified hijra system. Hijra: Member of the hijra subculture in South-Asia born as males but identifying “hijra” is a South-Asian identity, and a subculture. The subculture prescribes to its own norms, mores, kalaam” is spoken by the members of the hijra subculture throughout South Asia. Hijras are also referred popular in Pakistan. Most members of the hijra subculture identify as “third-gender”, and as being born

DW: Deutsche Welle · 19 January 2015 English

The Goethe Institute recently invited Cologne-based heavy metal band SuidAkrA to go on tour in India as headliners in the Wacken Metal Battle competitions. We pay SuidAkrA a visit to …

LC: Library of Congress · 2015 English

Title from PDF file as viewed on 6/12/2015.

Malangs also make up the unique, mystic subculture of Lahore. They usually shunned by society. They

LC: Library of Congress · 2007 English

A simple linear model for India has been developed to demonstrate how the degree of inaccessibility of an area, the strength of separate social identity of its population, and the …

are not exhaustive. Other aspects, like caste, subculture, and even strong class consciousness, can give

LC: Library of Congress · 14 July 1998 English

and Afghanistan, it was more integrated into a subculture. There was a narcotics issue in the countries

PDL: Panjab Digital Library · 1 January 1997 English

lines of religion, sect, caste, language and subculture. The milieu in which Gum Nanak lived (A.D. 1469-1539)

GOI: Government of India · 1 January 1985 English

The Gazette of India Extraordinary Gazette Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1985, Issue Number 449 …

CAMS shall be examined. When necessary, embryo subculture shall be made to determine the cause of death

GOI: Government of India · 14 September 1972 English

The Goa Gazette Published by the Government Printing Press Government of Goa Published By Authority Gazette Number: 7273-24 Gazette Date: 1972-09-14 Gazette Series: SI Gazette Type: OG - Ordinary Gazette …

clostridia found in the tube culture from which the subculture was made may be tested for pathogenicity by

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