
Natural rubber, also called India rubber, latex, Amazonian rubber, caucho or caoutchouc, as initially produced, consists of polymers of the organic compound isoprene, with minor impurities of other organic compounds, plus water. Thailand and Indonesia are two of the leading rubber producers. Types of polyisoprene that are used as natural rubbers are classified as elastomers. Currently, rubber is harvested mainly in the form of the latex from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) or others. The latex is a sticky, milky colloid drawn off by making incisions in the bark and collecting the fluid in vessels in a process called "tapping". …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 February 2024 English

This is the first ever report on the ‘state of the world’s migratory species’ and was published through collaboration between UNEP-WCMC (UN Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre) and …

passionfruit and numerous species of fig (Ficus) used for rubber, timber, paper, fibers and medicine3. Large colonies

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 29 September 2023 English

In Surulacode village, Srirangan and Leela have been tapping and processing latex for almost three decades. The work done by them is both labour-intensive and time sensitive

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 29 September 2023 English

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, released the second volume of the EnviStats – India 2023 report on September 29, 2023. This is the sixth edition …

Agriculture, Tea Board of India, Coffee Board of India, Rubber Board of India, Narcotics Commissioner of India

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 August 2023 English

The State of India’s Birds (SoIB) is a periodic, national-level examination of the distribution range and abundance trends of Indian birds that aids in formulating conservation plans. The SoIB last …

nest trees. Illegal logging and conversion to rubber plantations are the main causes for the loss of

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023

This report has been published by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in April 2023. This edition of the yearly publication, the first of which was released in the year 1978, …

think of America, the great assimilator, as a rubber band, but with this — we’re at the breaking point

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities · 23 February 2022 Swedish

Diskformad skapa i rött lergods. För beredning av skinn. Arkeologisk utgrävning i Rang Mahal, Rajasthan (1951-1952) RM-0615 Rydh, Hanna (1959). Rang Mahal: the Swedish archaeological expedition to India 1952-1954. Lund

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities · 23 February 2022 Swedish

Diskformad skapa i rött lergods. För beredning av skinn. Arkeologisk utgrävning i Rang Mahal, Rajasthan (1951-1952) RM-0613 Rydh, Hanna (1959). Rang Mahal: the Swedish archaeological expedition to India 1952-1954. Lund

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities · 23 February 2022 Swedish

Diskformad skapa i rött lergods. För beredning av skinn. Arkeologisk utgrävning i Rang Mahal, Rajasthan (1951-1952) RM-0614 Rydh, Hanna (1959). Rang Mahal: the Swedish archaeological expedition to India 1952-1954. Lund

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 13 January 2022 English

The harsh lives of the women kite makers of Khambhat and Ahmedabad stand out in stark contrast against the brilliantly coloured skies they light up with their labour

with a bundle of sticks, a piece of bicycle-tube rubber wrapped around her index finger, she peels them

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 January 2022 English

The State of World Forests 2022 was published by Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations. It studies “forest pathways for green recovery and building inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies” and …

includes various types of planted forests (including rubber plantations).3 Nevertheless, many technical and

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