
Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, femininity and masculinity. Depending on the context, these characteristics may include biological sex, sex-based social structures (i.e., gender roles), or gender identity. Most cultures use a gender binary, having two genders (boys/men and girls/women); those who exist outside these groups fall under the umbrella term non-binary or genderqueer. Some societies have specific genders besides "man" and "woman", such as the hijras of South Asia; these are often referred to as third genders (and fourth genders, etc.). Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 22 July 2024 English

Global Gender Gap report 2024

Global Gender Gap report 2024

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 21 July 2024 English

A diverse group of people across gender spectrum and their allies from neighboring cities and states came together to celebrate Mysuru's second Pride march

A diverse group of people across gender spectrum and their allies from neighboring cities and states

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 June 2024 English

based in Switzerland. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006; this is the 18th edition of the report. The report ranks 146 countries on the Global Gender Gap Index which is a scale of 0 represent complete gender parity. It studies four areas: ‘Economic Participation and Opportunity’, ‘Educational Attainment’, ‘Health and Survival’, and ‘Political Empowerment’. The global gender gap score in the score in 2023, the global gender gap for 146 countries has been closed by a 0.1 percentage point. The report states that it will take 134 years to achieve full gender parity.This 385-page document

S I G H T R E P O R T J U N E 2 0 2 4 Global Gender Gap 2024World Economic Forum 91-93 route de la org/publications/ gender-gap-report-2024/. The analysis presented in the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 ( Terms of Use and Disclaimer Global Gender Gap Report 2024 June 2024 First part of the title: title 2Contents Preface Key Findings 1 Benchmarking gender gaps, 2024 1.1 Country coverage 1.2 Global results political context 2.2 Evolving gender gaps in the global labour market 2.3 Gender gaps skewing the technology

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 17 May 2024 English

Poverty, caste identity, lack of nutrition and limited education opportunities only add to their gendered struggle

Poverty, caste identity, lack of nutrition and limited education opportunities only add to their gendered struggle

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 14 May 2024 English

Gendering of Development Data in India

Gendering of Development Data in India

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 May 2024 English

This report was published in May 2024 by Access Now for the #KeepItOn campaign which promotes the end of internet shutdowns. The report is authored by Zach Rosson, Felicia Anthonio, …

Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Written Submission: Anti-LGBTQ+ Repression ordered  amid  community  clashes  and  widespread  gender-based  violence,  making  it  even more diffic including  a  disturbing  increase  in  sexual and gender-based violence.122 After more  than a year of 

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 9 April 2024 English

Sexual and gender-based violence can manifest in many forms. From familial resistance to endless medico-legal red tape, Sumit has traversed an arduous journey to reclaim his gender identity, and he has

Sexual and gender-based violence can manifest in many forms. From familial resistance to endless medico-legal has traversed an arduous journey to reclaim his gender identity, and he has miles to go

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 26 March 2024 English

The India Employment Report 2024 was published by the Institute for Human Development (IHD) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on March 26, 2024. It is the third …

Labour force participation rate (UPSS, aged 15+), by gender and location, 2000, 2012, 2019 and 2022 (%) 16 Proportion of workers in subsidiary status, by gender (aged 15+), 2000, 2012, 2019 and 2022 (%) 17 labour utilization among all persons aged 15+, by gender, 2012, 2019 and 2022 (%) 18 X Figure 2.6. Structure Employment (UPSS, aged 15+) characteristics, by gender, 2022 (%) 34 X Figure 2.12. Employment (UPSS 35 X Figure 2.13. Migration rate in India, by gender, 2000, 2008 and 2021 (%) 36 X Figure 2.14. Quarterly

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 19 March 2024 English

Kisan Mazdoor Commission (KMC), an initiative by the Nation for Farmers, is a collaboration of activists and organisations focussing on current challenges faced by primary producers, artisans and rural workers …

for protection against caste, ethnic, religious, gender based oppression; h. Introduce Urban Employment for protection against caste, ethnic, religious, gender based oppression. Ensure the access of socially

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 27 February 2024 English

Childhoods Within Domestic Environments Of Gender/ Sexual Violence: A Quantitative Impact Analysis

Childhoods Within Domestic Environments Of Gender/ Sexual Violence: A Quantitative Impact Analysis

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