Child Care

Child care, otherwise known as day care, is the care and supervision of a child or multiple children at a time, whose ages range from two weeks to twenty years. Child care is a broad topic that covers a wide spectrum of professionals, institutions, contexts, activities, and social and cultural conventions. Early child care is an equally important and often overlooked component of child development.Care facilitated by similar-aged children covers a variety of developmental and psychological effects in both caregivers and charge. This is due to their mental development being in a particular case of not being able to progress …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 19 March 2024 English

Kisan Mazdoor Commission (KMC), an initiative by the Nation for Farmers, is a collaboration of activists and organisations focussing on current challenges faced by primary producers, artisans and rural workers …

for women and children: provide neighburhood child care centres and creches. Adivasis a. Implement Forest

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 June 2023 English

The Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published this report on June 12, 2023. This is the second report in the series; the first was …

expectations that women devote more time to child- care than men.27 Gender stereotypes also contribute

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 23 November 2022 English

This study was released on November 23, 2022, by the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), India. It aims to comprehend …

of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child Care and Protection of Children Amendment Act, 2021

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 11 October 2022 English

The Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index aims to monitor government policies and actions towards the goal of reducing inequality. The first CRI Index report was published in 2017 by …

This includes the recognition of childcare work through the pension system; women are credited for each child cared for.80

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 14 July 2022 English

Published in July 2021, Oxfam India’s Inequality Report 2021 presents a comprehensive analysis of the status of health across different socioeconomic groups in India. It aims to gauge the level …

services; • Chapter 3 looks at various maternal and child care interventions that have the potential to improve

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 June 2022 English

Public Action in Focus (Chapter 1); Opportunistic Methods of Enquiry (Chapter 2); Mother Care, Child Care: Disrupted by COVID Care? (Chapter 3); Health as Security of Food and Livelihood: PDS and NREGS

Methods of Enquiry .... 47 Chapter 3 Mother Care, Child Care: Disrupted by COVID Care? .... 59 Chapter 4 Health AND PUBLIC SERVICES 16 Highlights Mother Care, Child Care in the season of COVID Care The major impact

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 2 March 2022 English

The Pew Research Center, based in Washington D.C., released this report on March 2, 2022, as part of the Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project. The project examines the impact of …

population: Roughly a third of adults (34%) feel that child care should be handled primarily by women. Similarly Indians with less formal education (35%) say child care responsibility should rest with women. However

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 January 2022 English

Shakti Shalini, a non-governmental organisation based out of New Delhi, published this report in 2022. The report identifies households with children where domestic violence is prevalent to understand types of …

of life. We also aim at connecting with other child care organizations and increasing our reach throughout

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 29 May 2021 English

Humanity Research Consultancy, a research and consultancy organisation based in the United Kingdom, released this report on May 29, 2021. It was written by Deeksha Sharma, a research fellow at …

affordable prices 25 Anganwadi is a type of rural child-care centre in India. These centres provide supplementary

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 May 2021 English

Impact of Covid-19 on women in low-income households in India is a report published in May 2021 by Dalberg, a global social impact advisory group. It contains the results of …

place. 63 A child grant can support women with child care costs when they have young children in their

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