
A weapon, arm or armament is any implement or device that can be used with the intent to inflict damage or harm. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, and warfare. In broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a tactical, strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary or enemy target. While ordinary objects – sticks, rocks, bottles, chairs, vehicles – can be used as weapons, many are expressly designed for the purpose; these range from simple implements such as clubs, axes and …



LC: Library of Congress · 21 July 2003 English

fire. It's the radar that controls the ship's armaments. But most of the time was spent standing deck strikes, but they always came back without their armaments. We then did a second tour, which was at the height

LC: Library of Congress · 13 December 2002 English

several specialties, one in mechanics, and one in armaments, and some things like that. And there was a specialty

LC: Library of Congress · 9 November 2000 English

much room? SCHIFF: The B-17 was stripped of its armaments and they put in benches. As a navigator, I sat

GOI: Government of India · 18 December 1999 English

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1999, Issue Number 76 Ministry: Gazette …

per Annexure attached. 10 Not applicable.319 13 ARMAMENTS DIVISION 1. 2 3. 4 Controllerate of Quality Assurance Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer

GOI: Government of India · 30 October 1999 English

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1999, Issue Number 72 Ministry: Gazette …

As per Annexure attached. (14) Not applicable ARMAMENTS DIVISION 1. 2. Controllerate of Quality Assurance Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer

GOI: Government of India · 2 October 1999 English

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1999, Issue Number 68 Ministry: Gazette …

asked to submit the names. ANNEXURE TO SCHEDULE ARMAMENTS DIVISION 1. Controllerate of Quality Assurance A-Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer Group 'A' Officer from Establishment other than Armaments discipline in the station/nearby station. An Officer

GOI: Government of India · 30 May 1998 English

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1998, Issue Number 453 Ministry: Gazette …

in the Senior Qaulity Assurance Establishment (Armaments) Khadki, Pune-3, residing at & Post Charoli Tal

GOI: Government of India · 2 May 1998

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1998, Issue Number 449 Ministry: Gazette …

the Senior Quality Assurance, Establishment (Armaments) Khadki, Pune- 3, residing at Anthony Chawl, Ward

LC: Library of Congress · 22 March 1998 English

Tunisians were feeling the need to increase their armaments. Our capacity to provide additional military assistance

GOI: Government of India · 18 January 1998 English

The Gazette of India Published by the Directorate of Printing, Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Published in 1998, Issue Number 505 Ministry: Gazette …

promotion :-- Shri SC Chawla, Scientist 'C' Dte of Armaments R&D Headquarters, New Delhi to he Officiating

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