South Asia Archive - Teaching Resources

User icon Peter Ciuffetti
25 May 2022
3 items

Teachers and students are invited to explore a range of downloadable resources and teaching packs through which to discover, analyze, and discuss the content: Primary Source Reading Lists, Document Based Essay Question - Women in India Seminar Topic - The Mutiny of 1857


Publication Type



19 April 2022 English

Aims- To encourage students to think critically about historical documents and to explore how to integrate primary sources into their writing.

18 April 2022 English

Aims- To include primary sources with regular weekly reading assignments. To encourage students to become familiar with primary sources. To improve critical thinking skills and analytical techniques.

19 April 2022 English

Aims- To introduce students to the process of working with primary source documents by setting a selection as required reading for a seminar. To encourage students to interrogate the origins …