Education Policies

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31 July 2024
26 items

This section includes a comprehensive collection of reports, policies, conference proceedings, and documents related to the National Education Policy 2020, along with an overview of the educational status within the Indian context. This curated list was compiled by Dr. J. Shivarama from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India.

1 January 2020 English

Education Policy lays particular emphasis on the development of the creative potential of each individual. It is based on the principle that education must develop not only cognitive capacities -both …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 29 July 2020 English

The union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved the National Education Policy 2020 on July 29, 2020.The policy is based on the Draft National Education Policy 2019, which …

The Indian Press Ltd. · 1930 English

V. The Secretary Ministry of Public Instruction Bangkok: (1) Report on the Work of the Ministry of Education of The Siamese Government B. E. 2468 (1925-26) (English). [...] The World …

Manager of Publications · 1951 English

While I have no objection to vernacular being the medium of instruction in the secondary and the high school courses or Hindi or Hindusthani being cultivated as the national language …

The Indian Press Ltd. · 1930 English

V. The Secretary Ministry of Public Instruction Bangkok: (1) Report on the Work of the Ministry of Education of The Siamese Government B. E. 2468 (1925-26) (English). [...] The World …

Manager of Publications · 1951 English

Would you favour the allocation of powers of control and legislation in relation to Universities to (a) the Central Government or (b) the Provincial or the State Governments of (c) …

The Indian Press Ltd. · 1930 English

V. The Secretary Ministry of Public Instruction Bangkok: (1) Report on the Work of the Ministry of Education of The Siamese Government B. E. 2468 (1925-26) (English). [...] The World …

Manager of Publications · 1949 English

We are grateful for the opportunity which we were given to survey the work of the universities to assess their contribution to the eductional progress of the nation to appraise …

Hindustani Talimi Sangh · 1938 English

2. The pupils should become acquainted with the public utility services the working of the panchayat and the co-operative society the duties of the public servants the constitution of the …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 15 December 2018 English

The Committee for Draft National Education Policy submitted the Draft National Education Policy 2019 to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, government of India, on December 15, 2018. The Committee …