Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Southern California

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USC: University of Southern California English

“Temple Square, Jammu.” View of part of the city of Jammu with temple spires visible above rooftops. Jammu is known as ‘the city of temples’ and is the winter capital …

USC: University of Southern California English

“Group in interior of Mountains near Kashmir.” Group portrait of indigenous men, women and boys wearing traditional clothing. Kashmir is located in the mountainous north of India. Medico-evangelistic work was …

USC: University of Southern California English

Danish Santal Mission, North India. On a tour with Mrs Caroline Børresen. (Caroline Børresen, 1832-1914. Married to Pioneer Missionary Hans Peter Børresen, 1825-1901).

USC: University of Southern California English

From the Village School Program of BLM-D/LSS, managed by DSM Missionary and Teacher, Filip Engsig-Karup.(Name of the teacher?)

USC: University of Southern California English

Missions des Peres Capucins" "Missien der Paters Capucijnen" "Pundjab (Ind)" "Hommes d'une Colonie de Mission. Mannen eener Missiekolonie." Several Catholic missionary fathers are shown seated outdoors, surrounded by the other …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Petit classe d’une primaire Malabaraise. Klas der beginnelingen in een Malabaarsche school." A small class of boys is depicted sitting with open books outside an elementary school. The following information …

USC: University of Southern California English

Black and white lantern slide showing three Muslim male staff of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union mission cooking food outside a tent. One adolescent boy brings a kettle to an …

USC: University of Southern California English

"A time of refreshing. A group of missionaries enjoying a rest at 'The Silver Cascade', Kodaikanal. S. India." Missionaries seated on rock by waterfall. The first Wesleyan Methodist mission to …

USC: University of Southern California English

"A Mission Industry" "Women who help support their families by making these sisal fiber bags in the mission industry at Ahmadnagar." From the collection of Raymond Augur Dudley who served …