Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Southern California

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USC: University of Southern California English

Black and white lantern slide showing a view of the railway station at Motihari in Bihar, north-eastern India. Regions Beyond Missionary Union opened their first mission station in India in …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Jammalamadugu Girls' Boarding School. Miss Simmons and her teachers." Group of teachers seated outdoors. Agnes Simmons worked in the area of education and Bible Women's training from 1893 to 1924. …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Palm Sunday. The Children get ready to sing 'Hosanna' and present their palms in Church." External view of procession of young indigenous children carrying branches of palm trees before entering …

USC: University of Southern California English

Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. Un jeune Ménage Paria, Chrétien." Two young pariahs stand facing the camera. One is holding a crucifix in her hands. Behind them is …

USC: University of Southern California English

A colored drawing depicts five people praying in front of one person holding a crucifix. All of the people are kneeling. In the background is a church and a person …

USC: University of Southern California English

Missionary teacher Marie Mildrid Nielsen, India. Language studies in Madras 1906. Women's home Libanon in Tiruvannamalai 1906-1936.

USC: University of Southern California English

Madras, Arcot, South India. Mr. Narasimham with students from the Hindu boys' school.(Missionary Knud Heiberg's Report).

USC: University of Southern California English

"Series V. - 6. Europe at Kodaikanal, Ghats." European-style buildings are visible on the side of a hill. There are long rows of stairs leading up to the buildings. Additional …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Series XII. - 6. A native village, Ghats." Thatched rooves of houses in a native village are visible beyond some trees in this aerial view. Ghats is a mountain range. …