Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Southern California

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USC: University of Southern California English

"Jeune fille de caste couverte de joyaux d'argent." A girl sits in a chair and is wearing a lot of silver jewelry. Particularly prominent are the jewls on her head …

USC: University of Southern California English

Note: Vermutlich nach einer photographischen Vorlage. (BFN 08.1998). - Publiziert unter dem Titel: "Telugumädchen." (Bilder-Tafeln zur Länder- und Völker-Kunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der evangelischen Missionsarbeit. Herausgegeben von dem Calwer Verlagsverein. …

USC: University of Southern California English

United Mission to Nepal, Khimti, during construction of a hydro power plant,1993-2001. Engineer Jens Pedersen together with a local electrician.

USC: University of Southern California English

Jeypore , India - Mirabali, Rayagada: Adivasi Christiya Samaj (ACS) consists of 5 areas with Mirabali being one of them. The Leadership of ACS, from left to right: the President, …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Anand: Femmes puisant de l’eau. Vrouwen gaan water putten." Four women are shown at a water well. Two women are depicted carrying filled vessels on their heads. The caption and …

USC: University of Southern California English

“The Worshipper and his god. The stone is supposed to look like an Elephant’s head – it is worshipped as Ganesh [Ganesha]. Near Bairat.” View of large stone being prayed …