Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Southern California

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USC: University of Southern California English

"Indes. - 4. De gentiles petits Indiens de Patna. Ils regardent vers nous, se demandant si nous ne leur apporterons pas cette foi qu'ont tant cherché leurs ancêtres." Five boys …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Bishop and his wife." Angican bishop and wife. From a set of lantern slides entitled "The Union of Churches in South India" by Rev Dr W.F. Lofthouse. Dr Lofthouse visited …

USC: University of Southern California English

Note: Publiziert unter dem Titel: "Von einem Wolfe angefallener Kol." (Bilder-Tafeln zur Länder- und Völker-Kunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der evangelischen Missionsarbeit. Herausgegeben von dem Calwer Verlagsverein. Calw & Stuttgart. 1883: …

USC: University of Southern California English

Black and white lantern slide showing two Indian men standing at the top of a stairway to the entrance of a building. One man wears traditional dress, whilst another wears …

USC: University of Southern California English

"Missioni dei Carmelitani Scalzi. Serie II. - Quilon [Kollam] (Indie Orientali). N. 10. - Usi e costumi - Venditori di terraglie." Women and children stand and sit among pots and …

USC: University of Southern California English

Kaerabani, Santal Parganas, North India. Rev. Rasmus Rasmussen Rosenlund showing biblical images to local people (pagans), who are in the process of harvesting their rice.

USC: University of Southern California English

"An al fresco meal." Missionary's baby son being fed by his ayah. From a set of lantern slides entitled "Highways and Byways in a Hyderabad Circuit" compiled by the Methodist …