Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Southern California

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USC: University of Southern California English

From a village school in Nepal. The Teacher Dhan Bahadur Thapa checking the pupils at school.

USC: University of Southern California English

Note: Es handelt sich um die indische Küche von der Seite fotografiert. Note translation: The Indian kitchen has been photographed from the side.

USC: University of Southern California English

"Darjeeling. Miss [?] going up the hill to her work in her Dandy…" The town of Darjeeling, in the Eastern Himalayan Field, was established by Arthur Campbell and Lieutenant Robert …

USC: University of Southern California English

From the Village School Program of BLM-D/LSS, managed by DSM Missionary and Teacher, Filip Engsig-Karup. Here Missionary Bodil Noer Pedersen and local teachers are visiting a village.

USC: University of Southern California English

"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Nagpore [Nagpur] - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. Siages jongleurs." A man sits on the ground with his knees pulled up to his chest and looks at two …

USC: University of Southern California English

9. Cathéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée Kumbakonam - Hindoustan [Hindustan] Sanyassis (Religieux païens)." Three men and three boys stand together in front of piles of brush. Two of the men have …

USC: University of Southern California English

“Recently converted and baptised (Madpakkam) near Arkonam [Arakkonam]. Notice the marks on forehead are indicating his former religious sect (Hindu)”. Portrait of an older man, seated in a chair and …