Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Minnesota

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University of Minnesota · 1815

Title of pt. II: Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra. Part II, containing a journal kept during a survey of the river Chundun, conjectured to be the Erannoboas of …

University of Minnesota · 1811

T. 1. Voyage de Madras par Tranquebar a Ceilan -- T. 2. Voyage fait par terre le long des cotes d'Orixa et de Coromandel, dans la péninsule occidentale de l'Inde.

University of Minnesota · 1810

"Appendix II. Mr. Petrie's minute": pages 10-36 (2nd grouping). "Appendix I. Copy of Sir George Barlow's minute": pages 1-9 (2nd grouping).

University of Minnesota · 1808

Includes bibliography.