Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Massachusetts Amherst

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University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

A young man repairs a spoke of a wagon wheel of a cart which has two wheels. Another covered wagon is nearby, without wheels.

University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

Women and children occupy themselves with winnowing and other domestic duties in this Birhor settlement, or tanda. A goat is tethered nearby. [

University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

On a quiet Sunday, the official house of the president of India was designed by Edwin Lutyens.

University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

The Oraon or Kurukh tribe, are tribal aborigines inhabiting various states across central and eastern India as well as Bangladesh. Traditionally, Oraons depended on the forest and farms for their …

University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

Two men of the uplands in the Ranchi district work to butcher a water buffalo as the sun sets, while a younger man looks on. In the background, a small …

University of Massachusetts Amherst · 1956 English

A vegetable seller with his scales in this small street market in Mangadu southwest of Chennai.