Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

Smithsonian Libraries

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SIL: Smithsonian Libraries · 1790 English

Engraved t.p., with vignette. "Advertisement" dated March 1, 1791. "An essay on India, its boundaries, climate, soil, and sea. Translated from the Latin of John Reinhold Forster, by John Aikin, …

SIL: Smithsonian Libraries · 1769 English

Caption title. English and French in parallel columns; side-notes. "The first and only part ever to appear of a projected work with description and figures of Indian animals"--Anker, page 179. …

SIL: Smithsonian Libraries · 1768 Latin

Signatures: *⁴ A-2H⁴ 2I-2T². Numbers 25-28 repeated in pagination of final section. Plates numbered 1-21, 21*, 22-67; 41 before 40 following the engravers' page numbers for placement. Also available online. …

SIL: Smithsonian Libraries · 1747 Latin

Appended : "Nova genera plantarum zeylanicarum, nuper edita in diss. acad. sub præsidio auctoris per C.M. Dassaw, heic compendiose proposita" (14 p., 1 l.) Also available online. SCNHRB copy 39088002774826 …

SIL: Smithsonian Libraries · 1737 Latin

Title in red and black with vignette, head- and tail-piece, initial. "Catalogi duo plantarum africanarum, quorum prior complectitur plantas ab Hermanno observatas, posterior vero illas continet, quas Oldenlandus & Hartogius …