Selected South Asia Holdings

Museum of Ethnography

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Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Plöjning. Främre Indien 0035.a.0006

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Malning med handkvarn. Kornen hälles i ett hål i mitten. Främre Indien 0035.a.0011

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Ormtjusare. 0321.m.0007

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Förnäm hindukvinna. D. Macropolo & Co., Calcutta. 0321.m.0026 A hindu lady.

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Utmärglade pojkar och män. Gåva av H. F. Cronholm 1911. 0070.a.0008

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

"Coolies", bärare. Foto: Th. Paar, Darjeeling. 0321.m.0035 Coolies. Th. Paar Darjeeling.

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Främre Indien Barberare. 0035.a.0018

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Gåva av H. F. Cronholm 1911. Fakirer. 0070.a.0007 Fakirs surrounded by fires and worshiping "the sun".

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Kvinna i rickshaw. Foto: Th. Paar, Darjeeling. 0321.m.0034

Museum of Ethnography · 28 September 2019 Swedish

Gåva av H. F. Cronholm 1911. Barn. 0070.b.0011 A Quaint Quintette. Ceylon