Selected South Asia Holdings

Library of Congress

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LC: Library of Congress · 1507 Latin

According to Grenville, this letter is a reprint of: Epistola serenissimi regis Portugalie ad Julium papam secundum ... 1507. Imprint from colophon. Signatures: A⁴. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, v. 1, p. 225 …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1506 Latin

Ja'far ibn Muḥammad al-Balkhī (787--886), known as Abū Ma'shar, lived in Baghdad in the 9th century. Originally an Islamic scholar of the hadith (the prophetic traditions of Muhammad) and a …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1500 Portuguese

This manuscript is the only known copy of a journal believed to have been written on board ship during Vasco da Gama's first voyage to India. The lost original of …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1500 Persian

This work dating from the 16th century is an illuminated and illustrated copy of the first collection of poetry (called Dīvān-i avval or Fātihat al-shabāb) by Nūr al-Dīn 'Abd al-Rahmān …

LC: Library of Congress · 1492 Chagatai

Sultan Bayqara, ruler of Khurasan, based in Herat. A découpage work in the Chagatai Turkish or (chg (jag) language. Although the technique of découpage emerges during the second half of …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1489 Latin

Composed in India by a wise brahmin known in the West as Bidpai, Panchatantra (Five treatises) is an Indian anthology of stories and fables. Although purportedly about animals, the fables …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1400 Arabic

This large-format illuminated Timurid copy of the Qurʼan is believed to have been produced in northern India in the 15th century. The manuscript opens with a series of illuminated frontispieces. …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1372 Persian

Maktūbāt-i Sayyid 'Alī Ḥamdānī (Letters by Ali Hamdani) is a collection letters by the famous Persian scholar, saint, and preacher Sayyid 'Alī Ḥamdānī (1314--85 A.D.; A.H. 714--87). He came from …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1300 Arabic

This manuscript consists of the first part of Anwār al-bayān wa asrār al-burhān fī fahm awzān ʻilm al-mīzān (The luminance of explication and mysteries of proof in the understanding of …

LC: Library of Congress · 1127 Chinese

After becoming enlightened, the Buddha, Gautama Buddha, gave mystic teachings in various incarnations. This edition of Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (Lotus sutra), was translated by Kumarajiva of Later Qin (384-417) and …