Selected South Asia Holdings

Library of Congress

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LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1856 Arabic

Lithographed. In Persian; translated from Arabic.

LC: Library of Congress · 1856 Arabic

Collection of texts in Persian and Arabic, mostly unidentified, two works with titles are Bayaẓ-i Adʻiyah in praise of the Mogul hero Muḥammad Bahādūr Sirāj al-Dīn; and the other, al-Majlisī's …

LC: Library of Congress · 1856 English

A digital reproduction made from a copy held by the University of Michigan is available from the University of Michigan's Making of America Web site. Also available in digital form.

LC: Library of Congress · 1856 English

Also available in digital form.

LC: Library of Congress · 1856

A digital reproduction made from a copy held by the University of Michigan is available from the University of Michigan's Making of America Web site.

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1855 English

Oriented with north towards the right. Includes index and notes. LC copy includes signature: H. Compbeare [?] C.E.F.G.S. LC copy sectioned in two and mounted on cloth. Available also through …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1855 English

This map showing the Arabian Peninsula, Persia (present-day Iran), Afghanistan, and Baluchistan (present-day Iran and Pakistan) was published in 1855 by the G.W. and C.B. Colton and Company of New …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1855 Persian

Tafsīr-i Ḥusaynī (Commentary of Husayn) is a commentary on the Qurʼan, transcribed in two volumes. The original commentary was written in 1504 (910 AH), but this copy was made in …

LC: Library of Congress · 1 January 1855 Persian

Biographical sketches and specimen of the works of Indian, Afghani and Central Asian writers from early times. Taz̲kirah-i gulzār-i Aʻẓam (The memorial known as the greatest flower meadow) is a …