Selected South Asia Holdings

Freer Gallery of Art

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Freer Gallery of Art

probably Gujurat school To 1961 Tula Ram, Delhi [1] From 1961 to 1966 James K. Ivory, New York, New York From 1966 to 2001 Ralph Benkaim (1914-2001), purchased from James …

Freer Gallery of Art

Company School To 1907 Colonel Henry Bathurst Hanna (1839-1914), London, to 1907 [1] From 1907 to 1919 Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919), purchased from Colonel Henry Bathurst Hanna in 1907 [2] …

Freer Gallery of Art

Mughal Court Mughal School Freer Gallery of Art Collection East of Eden: Gardens in Asian Art (February 24 to May 13, 2007)

Freer Gallery of Art

Nurpur school Close to the image are two thin black lines framing the image. Against a red background, on the left, Shiva walks with Parvati past a large tree. On …

Freer Gallery of Art

The mask depicts the head of a boar with an elaborate headdress and earrings. The headdress is decorated with rows of cobra heads. The earrings on the mask are also …

Freer Gallery of Art

Lion with right foreleg resting on the head of an elephant. The two animals stand on a round platform with low sides and a scalloped edge. The platform is pierced …

Freer Gallery of Art

Early 1989-late 1989 Raghubir Singh (1942-1999) [1] From late 1989 Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, gift of the artist, Raghubir Singh [2] Notes: [1] This photograph was printed in early 1989 …

Freer Gallery of Art

Possibly Kangra Court Pahari School Painting, Shiva and Parvati. Border: The painting is set in red oval rulings surrounded by blue illuminated spandrels with geometric motifs, mounted on paperboard. Arthur …

Freer Gallery of Art

Mughal Court Mughal School Freer Gallery of Art Collection The Natural World in Indian Painting (September 4, 1996 to May 17, 1997) Indian Art (January 1, 1963 to January 28, …

Freer Gallery of Art

Kulu or Bilaspur school Painted in an eccentric palette of lemon yellow, warm pink, and mauve, this scene represents an ashram. The two young disciples Rama and Lakshmana appear twice: …