Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

Cinecittà Luce

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Cinecittà Luce · 1961 Italian

1 - from above, river of people in a park assists parade Elizabeth and the Prince at the ceremony 8 - indigenous dance 7 - women dance in the parade …

Cinecittà Luce · 1961 English

gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere) silver bromide gelatin / foil (polyester)

Cinecittà Luce · 1961 Italian

1 - gare fra bufali organizzate da allevatori indiani, due bufali si scontrano spinti dai loro proprietari 2 - fasi della lotta fra bufali 3 - uno dei bufali mette …

Cinecittà Luce · 1961 English

gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere) silver bromide gelatin / foil (polyester)

Cinecittà Luce · 1961 Italian

6 - Indian troops are gathered in a flair and listen to the speech of the Minister of Defence 10 - the Minister of Defence shakes hands with the soldiers …

Cinecittà Luce · 1960 English

silver bromide gelatin / foil (polyester) gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)

Cinecittà Luce · 1960 Italian

1 - London victory station: the royal family meets the royalty of Nepal Elizabeth II Philip of Edinburgh and the Nepla sovereigns pose before the targets for a group photo. …

Cinecittà Luce · 1960 English

silver bromide gelatin / foil (polyester) gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)

Cinecittà Luce · 1960 Italian

Chaleidoscope Ciac C1262, 11/1960 Caleidoscopio Ciac C1262, 11/1960

Cinecittà Luce · 1960 English

silver bromide gelatin / foil (polyester) gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)