

Rekhta Foundation

Rekhta EBooks Project is a virtual library of over One lakh free eBooks. You can choose among the classical, modern & contemporary works of famous writers and read them online. Here you can find renowned and distinguished literature written through rich history of Urdu language, with focus on classical works. A large number of libraries and volunteers have contributed towards this, for our readers to enjoy. You can browse through categories like Biographies, Drama, Poetry and shayari at Rekhta E-Books.

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Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Raza Ali Abidi, A famous Pakistani Journalist and author, born on 30th December 1935 at Rourkee, India. Moved to Karachi with his family in 1950, and then migrated to London …

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

عبدالقادر جیلانی کایہ دیوان آپ کے مواعظہ حسنہ کا ہی مجموعہ ہے جنہیں انہوں نے شعر کے پیکر میں پیش کیا ہے ۔ آپ کی ایک کتاب ’’ غنیۃ الطالبین …