

Rekhta Foundation

Rekhta EBooks Project is a virtual library of over One lakh free eBooks. You can choose among the classical, modern & contemporary works of famous writers and read them online. Here you can find renowned and distinguished literature written through rich history of Urdu language, with focus on classical works. A large number of libraries and volunteers have contributed towards this, for our readers to enjoy. You can browse through categories like Biographies, Drama, Poetry and shayari at Rekhta E-Books.

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Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Ibne Safi was born on July 26, 1928, in the village of Nara in Allahabad District, U.P., India. His real name was Asrar Ahmed but later he came to be …

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

اردو ادب میں ترنم ریاض ایک شاعرہ،ناول نگار،افسانہ نگار،تبصرہ نگار،محقق ونقاد کی حیثیت سے اپنی لیاقت و قابلیت کا لوہا منواچکی ہیں۔ ترنم ریاض کی بیشتر کہانیوں میں نسائی شعور،نسائی …

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu

Rekhta Foundation · 1 January 2004 Urdu