People's Archive of Rural India - Library

People's Archive of Rural India - Library

The CounterMedia Trust

The PARI Library brings reports and information on rural India to a single location for students, researchers and other readers. It includes official as well as independent reports, out-of-print books, rare documents and reviewed research articles.

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PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 17 November 1948 English

The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution of India from 1946-1950. It sat for the first time on December 6, 1946, and in two years and 11 months, it met for …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 17 November 1948 English

The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution of India from 1946-1950. It sat for the first time on December 9, 1946, and in two years and 11 months, it met for …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 15 November 1948 English

The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution of India from 1946-1950. It sat for the first time on December 9, 1946, and in two years and 11 months, it met for …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 23 September 1948 English

The Factories Act, 1948, aims to consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories in India.The Act contains provisions on the health, safety, working hours, leave and welfare of …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 15 March 1948 English

The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, came into force on March 15, 1948. It aims to fix minimum rates of wages for workers in ‘scheduled employments’. Wages are defined as remuneration …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 27 November 1947 English

This report by the National Planning Committee’s Sub-Committee on National Health was published in 1947. The National Planning Committee was formed in 1938 with Jawaharlal Nehru as its chairperson. It …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 11 March 1947 English

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, contains provisions for the settlement and investigation of industrial disputes.An ‘industry’ means any ‘systematic activity’ carried on through cooperation between an employer and workers – …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 23 April 1946 English

The Industrial Employment Act, 1946, requires employers in industrial establishments to formally define the conditions of employment in their establishment “with sufficient precision,” and to make these conditions known to …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 13 January 1946

The Health Survey and Development Committee was appointed by the Government of India in October 1943 to make a broad survey of the health conditions and services in British India. …

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 18 December 1945 English

The Health Survey and Development Committee was appointed by the Government of India in October 1943 to make a broad survey of health conditions and services in British India. Its …