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Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies

Activities about Jiva Institute Vrindavan and its founder, Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa

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Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 3 March 2024 English

Question: The progress of science is an important part of modern civilization, but traditionally there are huge contradictions between religion and science. Answer: Can you cite some examples of contradictions? …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 25 February 2024 English

According to Indian schools of thought, darśanas, the root cause of the suffering of a living being is its conditioning by ignorance, ajñāna, or avidyā. Avidyā results in moha, improper …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 18 February 2024 English

True Love Quest is a once-in-a-lifetime retreat to learn what love means on both material and spiritual levels, based on Babaji’s teachings on The Art of Love and Śrīmad Bhāgavata. …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 11 February 2024 English

Question: I am wondering about Kṛṣṇa’s disappearance. It is not something devotees like to discuss or write about, and although the Bhāgavata covers His disappearance, it makes a point of …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 4 February 2024 English

Question: What is the adhikāra for Gauḍīya texts? Can one prove that the ācāryas intended for all Vaiṣṇavas, regardless of caste, to read their theological works? Answer: I will give …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 28 January 2024 English

Question: Can a guru can forgive the sins of his disciples? Or only Kṛṣṇa can? Does Kṛṣṇa do it through the medium of the guru? This question arose from a …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 24 January 2024 English

This quiz is designed to motivate you to study the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava scriptures in specific, and the Sad Darshanas in general, which are necessary to understand Gauḍīya philosophy properly. The …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 21 January 2024 English

Question: There is a traditional practice, presumably coming from śāstra, to refrain from consuming food during an eclipse, as it will lead to diseases due to bacterial enhancement in the …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 14 January 2024 English

Question: Ramanuja invests so much energy in his SB 1.1.1 commentary in countering Sankara’s notion of avidyā, yet he includes nothing about an eternal form. The Śruti says nothing about …

Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies · 7 January 2024 English

Question: I’ve undertaken a discussion with Christian theologians. Their understanding of a Personal God, specifically their resistance to a God with form, which is... Read More The post Concepts of …