

Panjab Digital Library

Printing technology undoubtedly revolutionized the human world, making common access to books and texts an invaluable facet of the communal experience. The current information age has transformed the role books play in our modern communities. Though the tradition of reading and owning the physical copy of a book will likely remain special for some, finding and accessing relevant material in them for the purpose of research is going to change drastically. We at PDL understand the importance of this significant shift in access and form, and are committed to providing books and information on these changes as easily and readily as the technology advances.

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PDL: Panjab Digital Library Panjabi

Human body undergoes several changes from birth to death. This booklet is a sort of advisory about leading a meaningful married life, sex instinct and its proper channelization, adolescence, marriage, …

PDL: Panjab Digital Library Panjabi

This is a collection of devotional songs sung mainly about Lord Krishna and a prayer for his blessings and grace. It is titled in Punjabi as "Bhagtan de Haray" which …