cover image: लकड़ी पर लाख का काम /Lacquer Woodwork


लकड़ी पर लाख का काम /Lacquer Woodwork

The video is a presentation on the art of lacquer woodwork of Gujarat. Lac work is practised in the village of Nirona in Kutch. This craft originated at Sindh in Pakistan where people were using coloured lacquer to decorate kitchenware items like spoons, belan, chakla, kadhai, spice box etc. However, the village of Nirona popularized the craft and took it all over the world. The craftsman, Lala Mala, was well-known for his designs all over Gujarat. His family has now taken over the rein and is carrying the tradition forward. The lac is prepared from insect resin collected from grooves of trees. The process of lac work first starts with wood selection. The lac is then prepared over fire with powdered colour and left to dry. This lac is pasted on the wood using tools like the lathe and a bow with string.
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West Zone Cultural Centre