cover image: अग्नि नृत्य/Agni Nritya


अग्नि नृत्य/Agni Nritya

The video is a presentation on the Agni Nritya of Rajasthan. This dance form is practised by the members of the Jasnath sect in Bikaner district. The Agni Nritya or fire dance is performed in honour of the Saint Jasnath who belonged to the mystic Sidh Naths of Bikaner. This ritual dance is performed during the Jasnath fairs or on special requests by people to drive away negative energy from their houses. The ritual performers or priests are dressed in white clothes and saffron turbans. The dance begins with slow chanting to the beat of a nagara (large drum) and manjiras (cymbals). While the chanting is going on a bonfire is lit and as the wood burns down the tempo of the chanting increases to a religious frenzy. Once the wood is reduced to red embers the priests form a line and dance across the glowing coal.
tribes folk dance music
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पश्चिम क्षेत्र सांस्कृतिक केंद्र