cover image: Naupang enkawl dan


Naupang enkawl dan

1 Jan 2013

This is a non-fiction book that discusses the process of the upbringing of children as well as their psychological development. As a result, adults, especially parents, can be viewed as the target audience of this book. The book contains an introduction by the author as well as reviews by other writers. It is divided into sixteen chapters each discussing different topics. The first chapter starts with the introduction of the idea that children are not the first to be blamed for growing up in a certain way that is not in accordance with the norms of society because the process of their character development also depends a lot on the kinds of upbringing that they receive. The book gives advice to the parents on how to deal with certain situations and also other various topics which extend to substance abuse in relation to young adults.
philosophy psychophysiology mental physiology entawn tlak dem tur an ni bik lo nu leh pate mawhphurhna a lo va sang em enkawl dan dik lova enkawl a pawi a hun tak ah engkim ti rawh


Zaikima, V.L.

viii, 93 p.
Published in
State Central Library, Aizawl, Mizoram

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