cover image: The woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambuseae) of Sri Lanka : a morphological-anatomical study / Thomas R. Soderstrom and Roger P. Ellis


The woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambuseae) of Sri Lanka : a morphological-anatomical study / Thomas R. Soderstrom and Roger P. Ellis


Shipping list no.: 89-43-P. Three subtribes of the Bambuseae are present on Sri Lanka, including six genera and 12 species, and they are described both morphologically and anatomically. In the Arundinariinae, five species of fargesioid arundinarias occur: Arundinaria debilis, A. densifolia, A. floridunda, A. walkeriana, and the new species A. scandens; all are shrubby plants that grow in cool mountain forests and bogs. Three genera of Bambusinae are present. Bambusa is represented by three introduced, cultivated species, and Dendrocalamus by the new species D. cinctus. The new genus Pseudoxytenanthera is described, and the single species P. monadelpha is unusual in the subtribe in its thin, soft culms produced in open clumps, vine-like habit, and combination of 2-3 stigmas and a branching pattern in which the large central bud remains dormant with the simultaneous production of basal branches, followed by development of the central bud into an elongate whip-like shoot. The Schizostachydinae are represented by Ochlandra stridula and Davidsea attenuata, the latter a new monotypic segregate of Teinostachyum and differing from that genus in its intravaginal branching pattern with three major and several subsidiary branches with the major branches elongating and becoming whip-like, and in its elongate style and plumose stigmas.
anatomy bamboo plants morphology smithsonian institution bamboo--morphology bamboo--anatomy soderstrom, thomas r ellis, roger p botany--classification bamboo--classification


Soderstrom, Thomas R, Ellis, Roger P, Smithsonian Institution Press

Iv, 75 p. : ill. ; 28 cm
Place Discussed
Sri Lanka
Smithsonian Institution
Published in
Sri Lanka
Digital Public Library of America

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