cover image: Mardan Church in Peshawar District, NWFP, was built from 1936 and inaugurated, 01/04/1939. Late Mardan Kirke i Peshawar distrikt, NWFP. Blev bygget fra 1936 og indviet 01.04.1939. Senere har kirken fået det officielle navn: St. Paul’s Sahardi Church. (21. september 2012 blev kirken og skolen udsat for ødelæggelse og brandattentat af vrede, voldelige muslimer. Med støtte fra flere sider, bl. a. Provinsregeringen blev skolen og senere kirken genopført og genindviet 2. maj 2014, så menigheden igen kan fejre gudstjeneste indendørs)


Mardan Church in Peshawar District, NWFP, was built from 1936 and inaugurated, 01/04/1939. Late Mardan Kirke i Peshawar distrikt, NWFP. Blev bygget fra 1936 og indviet 01.04.1939. Senere har kirken fået det officielle navn: St. Paul’s Sahardi Church. (21. september 2012 blev kirken og skolen udsat for ødelæggelse og brandattentat af vrede, voldelige muslimer. Med støtte fra flere sider, bl. a. Provinsregeringen blev skolen og senere kirken genopført og genindviet 2. maj 2014, så menigheden igen kan fejre gudstjeneste indendørs)

Mardan Church in Peshawar District, NWFP, was built from 1936 and inaugurated, 01/04/1939. Later the official name of the church became: St. Paul's Sahardi Church. (21th September 2012 the church and school were attacked and burned by angry Muslims. With funding from outside and the local Government both have been rebuilt. On 2nd May 2014 the church was re-inaugurated, and the congregation is again able to celebrate Worship Service inside the church premises).
pakistan nwfp churches church mission danmission kirke mission kirker mardan north west frontier province dias-pakistan dansk pathanmission diasdec13 danish pathan mission dias-film1 den nordvestlige grænseprovins mardan church mardan kirke church of pakistan pakistani lutheran church st. paul's church st. paul's sahardi church
International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960
Place Discussed
Asia Mardan NWFP Pakistan
California Digital Library
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CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
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