cover image: Cochin, India (original) [4] 1961 December Reel II


Cochin, India (original) [4] 1961 December Reel II


1). Mo + Thu before tachanun, Kippur Mincha, all fast days, Mincha. -- 2). Lev. 18, 1-4: Parasha for Kippur Mincha, מנחה שבת, Mo + Thu שחרית - אל ארך אפים. -- 3). Kippur Haftara: Isaiah 57, 14 (Haftara is ordinary) (Blessing first). -- 4) Beracha after Haftara. -- 5). Haftara for 3 Shabbatot before 9th of Av Jer. I, 1-3, 7 + 13 (different tune). -- 6) Haftara for שמחת תורה + Kippur מנחה and blessings. -- Jonah I, 1-3; Micha 7, 18-20. -- 7). Ps. 1 + beginning of Ps. 2. -- 8). Beginning of סליחות. -- 9). Last line אל מלך. -- 10). רחמנא. -- 11). אומרים אדני אדנינו. -- 12). עננו. -- 13). שומר ישראל. -- 14). תתקבל ברחמים. -- 15). יי עז לעמו יתן. -- 16) קידוש + Havdala. -- 17). פורים היום. -- 18). פורים. פורים לנו. -- 19). שמחת תורה הקפות. -- 20). שמחת תורה הקפות (Uriel Hacohen, physician from Babylon). -- 21). שמחו בשמחת תורה. -- 22). שולמית שובי. -- 23). Esther. Eve. 24). Morning. -- Rain: 4 tunes פסח. 1). Mo + Thu before tachanun, Kippur Mincha, all fast days, Mincha. -- 2). Lev. 18, 1-4: Parasha for Kippur Mincha, Minḥah Shabat, Mo + Thu Shaḥarit - El erekh apayim. -- 3). Kippur Haftara: Isaiah 57, 14 (Haftara is ordinary) (Blessing first). -- 4) Beracha after Haftara. -- 5). Haftara for 3 Shabbatot before 9th of Av Jer. I, 1-3, 7 + 13 (different tune). -- 6) Haftara for Śimḥat Torah + Kippur Minḥah and blessings. -- Jonah I, 1-3; Micha 7, 18-20. -- 7). Ps. 1 + beginning of Ps. 2. -- 8). Beginning of Seliḥot. -- 9). Last line El melekh. -- 10). Raḥamana. -- 11). Omrim Adonai Adonenu. -- 12). ʻAnenu. -- 13). Shomer Yiśraʼel. -- 14). Titḳabel be-raḥamim. -- 15). Adonai ʻoz le-ʻamo yiten. -- 16) Ḳidush + Havdala. -- 17). Purim ha-yom. -- 18). Purim, Purim lanu. -- 19). Śimḥat Torah Haḳafot. -- 20). Śimḥat Torah Haḳafot (Uriel Hacohen, physician from Babylon). -- 21). Śimḥu be-Śimḥat Torah. -- 22). Sulamit shuvi. -- 23). Esther. Eve. 24). Morning. -- 25). Rain: 4 tunes Pesaḥ. Recordings of: II Cochin. December 26, 1961. 2. [Liturgy for] Kippur, Shabbatot before 9th of Av, Simhat Torah, Purim, Pesah. From notes: lyrics to Purim hayom, Purim lanu by Ishaq Eliah Halegua, grandfather of Sammy Halegua, great-grandfather of Sammy Koder (recording #18.) 25 recordings. 7" reel. Notes removed to folder. Digitized from tape reel, 7", 7 1/2 ips, 2 tracks, monaural. Side B is Blank; High Amount of Hiss on Tape; Program Recorded at a Very Low Level Digitizer also photographed the box information. The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials processing project was supported by a Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). Digitization funded by The National Library of Israel. Hebrew Johanna Spector Collection digitized 2015 pda NNJ Preservation Technologies, L.P.
print jews--liturgy jews--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings liturgical use


Spector, Johanna L.

Place Discussed
India Cochin
Published in
JSPEC_ 0118
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