cover image: Voyages from England to Bengal


Voyages from England to Bengal

29 Aug 2020

Journal of an Irish physician who, while awaiting an opportunity to secure a permanent placement in, e.g., his hometown of Dunmore, took a position as a ship's physician on three voyages to Bengal (two are chronicled in this volume); he describes the areas visited and social engagements in ports along the way, many in Mauritius, as well as in England and Ireland. 1. Folio 5r-121v: [Caption title] Second voyage from England to Bengal (1821 April 12-1823 March 11 on the ship Miles). Folio 1r-4v, 112r and 122 r & v blank. -- 2. Folio 123r-162r: [Caption title] Voyage the third to Bengal (1823 March 26-December 31). Folio 162v-163v blank. Manuscript codex. Title devised by cataloger. The author or, possibly, an owner sketched a family crest in pencil consisting of a shield in which stand three rampant lions (two in the upper half, above the third); above the shield is a horizontal bar from which extends a vertical sleeve ending in a clenched fist that appears to be holding a crescent, while the motto "Nil humani a me alienum" is inscribed in a banner below it (folio 1r) Shelfmark: New York, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary, MS NH101. Cataloging and digitization funded by an anonymous challenge grant, 2014-2015. English ; Roman cursive hand. rehoused 20130220 box pda NNJ AS digitized 20140616 UM pda NNJ DP
print travel writers description and travel manuscript travel writers--india--diaries english diaries--irish authors


Jewish Theological Seminary Library. Manuscript. NH101.

Place Discussed
India England Ireland
Published in
United Kingdom
MS NH101
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