cover image: Cochin Baqasa + [34] 1967 Reel III, 4


Cochin Baqasa + [34] 1967 Reel III, 4


Special Songs for Special Shabbatot: 1). Bakasha: אלי, אליi. Before נשמת כל חי (8th day of פסח in the Synagogue). -- 2). Bakasha: אפתח בשיר for שבת בראשית. -- 3). Yigdal (in the previous tune). -- 4). יתרועו. Night of שבת חנוכה. -- 5). Yigdal (in the previous tune). -- 6). אחנן לאל. שבת בשלח. -- 7). יגדל (in the same tune). -- 8). למה דוד לנצח. (or any other tune) שבת יתרו. -- 9). יגדל (in the same tune). -- 10). מי כמוך ואין כמוך. שבת זכור. -- 11). Yigdal (in the same tune). -- 12). ידידי אל. שבת מילה. (Samuel Hallegua). -- 13). Yigdal. -- 14). אליהו הנביא for הבדלה. -- 15). בכל חדש. במוצאי יום מנחה (Robi + Hallegua). -- 16). בכל חדש. -- אלי אליהו (Baghdadi tune). -- Jan. 10th, 1967. Slihoth cont. from Reel II: 18). רחמנא. -- 19). אנא כעך זדוני תמחהו. -- 20). וידוי. -- 21). שמע ישראל. -- 22). אלהינו שבשמים. -- 23). עננו. -- 24). רחום וחנון. -- 25). יי חננו והקימנו. -- 26). יי עשה למען שמך. -- 27). דעני לאברהם. Special Songs for Special Shabbatot: 1). Bakasha: Eli, ELi. Before Nishmat kol ḥai (8th day of Pesaḥ in the Synagogue). -- 2). Bakasha: Eftaḥ be-shir for Shabat Be-reshit. -- 3). Yigdal (in the previous tune). -- 4). Yitroʻaʻu. Night of Shabat Ḥanukah. -- 5). Yigdal (in the previous tune). -- 6). Aḥanen la-El. Shabat Be-shalaḥ. -- 7). Yigdal (in the same tune). -- 8). Lamah Daṿid la-netsaḥ. (or any other tune) Shabat Yitro. -- 9). Yigdal (in the same tune). -- 10). Mi khamokha ṿe-en kamokha. Shabat Zakhor. -- 11). Yigdal (in the same tune). -- 12). Yedidi El. Shabat milah. (Samuel Hallegua). -- 13). Yigdal. -- 14). Eliyahu ha-Navi for Havdalah. -- 15). Be-khol ḥodesh. Be-motsaʼe yom menuḥah (Robi + Hallegua). -- 16). Be-khol ḥodesh. -- Eli ELiyahu (Baghdadi tune). -- Jan. 10th, 1967. Slihoth cont. from Reel II: 18). Raḥamana. -- 19). Ana kaʻakh zedoni timḥehu. -- 20). Ṿidui. -- 21). Shemaʻ Yiśraʼel. -- 22). Elohenu sheba-shamayim. -- 23). ʻAnenu. -- 24). Raḥum ṿe-ḥanun. -- 25). Adonai ḥonenu ṿe-haḳimenu. -- 26). Adonai ʻaśeh le-maʻan shemekha. -- 27). Daʻeni le-Avraham. Recordings of: Cochin, India Jan. 9th, 1967. Elias Ezekiel Robi (Rahabi) (from Cochin, lived 20 yrs in Bombay with Baghdadi Jews.) Special Songs for Special Shabbatot. Slihot. Samuel Hallegua. 27 recordings. 1st copy. (Original III). IV. 3, copy D-1. 7 1/2 [ips]. 7" reel. Digitized from tape reel, 7", 7 1/2 ips, 2 tracks, monaural. Side B is Blank; High Amount of Hiss on Tape Digitizer also photographed the box information. The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials processing project was supported by a Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). Digitization funded by The National Library of Israel. Please cite as: The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials, The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y., ARC.2008.03 (JSPEC_ 0146). Hebrew Johanna Spector Collection digitized 2015 pda NNJ Preservation Technologies, L.P.
print jews--liturgy jews--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings


Robi, Elias Ezekiel., Hallegua, Samuel , 1931-2009, Spector, Johanna L.

Place Discussed
India Cochin
Published in
JSPEC_ 0146
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