cover image: Cochin Baqasa, Yigdal + [35] 1967 Reel III, 4


Cochin Baqasa, Yigdal + [35] 1967 Reel III, 4


Special Songs for Special Shabbatot: 1). Bakasha: אלי, אלי. precedes נשמת כל חי (8th day of פסח in the Synagogue). -- 2). Bakasha: אפתח בשיר for שבת בראשית. -- 3). Yigdal (in the previous tune). -- 4). יתרועו. Night of שבת חנוכה and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 5). אחנן לאל. שבת בשלח and Yigdal in the same tune. -- (in the same tune). -- 6). למה דוד לנצח. שבת יתרו. and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 7). מי כמוך ואין כמוך. שבת זכור. and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 8). ידידי אל. שבת מילה. (Samuel Hallegua). and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 9). אליהו הנביא for הבדלה. -- 10). בכל חדש. במוצאי יום מנחה (Robi + Hallegua). -- 11). בכל חדש. -- אלי אליהו (Baghdadi tune). -- Jan. 10th, 1967. Slihoth cont. from Reel II: 13). רחמנא. -- 14). אנא כעך זדוני תמחהו. -- 15). וידוי. -- 16). שמע ישראל. -- 17). אלהינו שבשמים. -- 18). עננו. -- 19). רחום וחנון. -- 20). יי חננו והקימנו. -- 21). יי עשה למען שמך. -- 22). וענה לאברהם Special Songs for Special Shabbatot: 1). Bakasha: Eli, Eli. precedes Nishmat kol ḥai (8th day of Pesaḥ in the Synagogue). -- 2). Bakasha: Eftaḥ be-shir for Shabat Be-reshit. -- 3). Yigdal in the previous tune. -- 4). Yitroʻaʻu. Night of Shabat Ḥanukah and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 5). Aḥanen la-El. Shabat Be-shalaḥ and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 6). Lamah Daṿid la-netsaḥ. Shabat Yitro and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 7). Mi khamokha ṿe-en kamokha. Shabat Zakhor and Yigdal in the same tune. -- 8). Yedidi El. Shabat milah. (Samuel Hallegua) and Yigdal in the same tune. --9). Eliyahu ha-Navi for Havdalah. -- 10). Be-khol ḥodesh. Be-motsaʼe yom menuḥah (Robi + Hallegua). -- 11). Be-khol ḥodesh. -- 12). Eli ELiyahu (Baghdadi tune). -- Jan. 10th, 1967. Slihoth cont. from Reel II: 13). Raḥamana. -- 14). Ana. -- 15). Ṿidui. -- 16). Shemaʻ Yiśraʼel. -- 17). Elohenu sheba-shamayim. -- 18). ʻAnenu. -- 19). Raḥum ṿe-ḥanun. -- 20). Adonai ḥonenu ṿe-haḳimenu. -- 21). Adonai ʻaśeh le-maʻan shemekha. -- 22). Ṿe-ʻaneh le-Avraham. Recordings of: Cochin, India, Jan.9th, 10th, 1967. Baqasa, Yigdal, Habdala, Slihot. Elias Ezekiel Robi (Rahabi). Special Songs for Special Shabbatot. Samuel Hallegua. 22 recordings. 2nd copy. Original III. IV. 3, copy D-2. 7 1/2 [ips]. 7" reel. Digitized from tape reel, 7", 7 1/2 ips, 2 tracks, monaural. Side B is Blank; High Amount of Hiss on Tape Digitizer also photographed the box information. The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials processing project was supported by a Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). Digitization funded by The National Library of Israel. Please cite as: The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials, The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y., ARC.2008.03 (JSPEC_ 0147). Hebrew Johanna Spector Collection digitized 2015 pda NNJ Preservation Technologies, L.P.
print jews--liturgy jews--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings


Robi, Elias Ezekiel., Hallegua, Samuel , 1931-2009, Spector, Johanna L.

Place Discussed
India Cochin
Published in
JSPEC_ 0147
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