cover image: Cochin, India Slihot, Purim + [37] 1967 Reel IV, 1


Cochin, India Slihot, Purim + [37] 1967 Reel IV, 1


1). סליחות: קבל ברחמים. -- Purim: 2). למנצח על אילת השחר[Ps.22]. -- 3). אלי, אלי. -- 4). Evening song. -- 5). Kaddish (Shingli). -- 6). Blessings for מגילת אסתר. -- 7-9). מגילת אסתר. -- 10). Blessings after. -- 11). פורים, פורים לנו. -- 12). פורים היום. -- 13). אני פורים. Written by S.'s grandfather, Isaac. -- 14). Shingli - Cochin - After [arrow indicates this belongs between 16 and 17]. -- Morning Megillah: 15-17). Megillat Ester in the morning. Last sentence repeated by Congr. -- 18). שמך. -- 19). ברוך מרדכי, ארור המן. -- Hanuka: 20). Blessings before + while lighting the candles. -- 21). מזמור שיר חנכה. -- Pessah: 22). Eve Ps 107 הודו. -- 23). יי יערב לך שיר חגיגי (Cochin). -- 24). אלה מועדי יי (before Amida) 1). Sliḥot: Ḳabel be-raḥamim. -- Purim: 2). La-menatseaḥ ʻal ayelet ha-shaḥar [Ps.22]. -- 3). Eli, Eli. -- 4). Evening song. -- 5). Kaddish (Shingli). -- 6). Blessings for Megilat Ester. -- 7-9). Megilat Ester. -- 10). Blessings after. -- 11). Purim, Purim lanu. -- 12). Purim ha-yom. -- 13). Ani Purim. Written by S.'s grandfather, Isaac. -- 14). Shingli - Cochin - After [arrow indicates this belongs between 16 and 17]. -- Morning Megillah: 15-17). Megillat Ester in the morning. Last sentence repeated by Congr. -- 18). Shimkha. -- 19). Barukh Mordekhai, arur Haman. -- Hanuka: 20). Blessings before + while lighting the candles. -- 21). Mizmor shir Ḥanukah. -- Pessah: 22). Eve Ps 107 Hodu. -- 23). Adonai yeʻarev lekha shir ḥagigi (Cochin). -- 24). Eleh moʻade Adonai (before Amida) Recordings of: Cochin, India, Jan. 1967. Slihot, Purim, Hanuka, Pessah (Seder). Samuel Hallegua. 24 recordings. Original 1. 4, copy A. Roberts. (4 track). 7" reel. Digitized from tape reel, 7", 7 1/2 ips, 2 tracks, monaural. Audio on channel 2; Side B is Blank; High Amount of Hiss on Tape Digitizer also photographed the box information. The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials processing project was supported by a Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). Digitization funded by The National Library of Israel. Please cite as: The Johanna L. Spector Papers and Audio-Visual Materials, The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y., ARC.2008.03 (JSPEC_ 0148). Hebrew Johanna Spector Collection digitized 2015 pda NNJ Preservation Technologies, L.P.
print jews--liturgy jews--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings purim--liturgy purim--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings hanukkah--india--cochin--liturgy--sound recordings hanukkah--liturgy


Hallegua, Samuel , 1931-2009, Spector, Johanna L.

Place Discussed
India Cochin
Published in
JSPEC_ 0148
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