cover image: Norwegian Tradition


Norwegian Tradition

8 Jul 2014

With this Extratour we would like to fulfill the desire of our viewer Mohammad Aslam of India. At the Norwegian winter sports station Geilo, about 250 kilometers from Oslo, a medieval air practice is reborn: the kick-sled or spark. This is a wooden sled, whose driver remains standing and who moves as if he were a skateboard. Con este Extratour quisimos cumplir el deseo de nuestro televidente Mohammad Aslam, de la India. En la estación de deportes de invierno noruega Geilo, a unos 250 kilómetros de Oslo, renace una práctica de aire medieval: el kick-sled o spark. Se trata de un trineo de madera, cuyo conductor permanece de pie y que se desplaza como si fuera un patinete.
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